Types of acne pictures, what causes pimples on the face, Whitehead acne, papules acne, cystic acne, type of acne treatment, types of pimples on face: Just close your eyes for a minute and imagine someone has an acne on their, how it looks like, what that small thing has done to the face structure, is it good etc.
You will get to know all answers for the question clicking in your mind, as you have landed to the right place at the right time.
In a survey it has been shown that almost 80% of the American adults face the problems of acne in their adolcense period it means 8 out of every 10 adults face this problem. which is pretty normal but the most important thing here is that the what’s the cure of it.
So, without any further delay let’s dive in and explore how acne arises, what causes pimples on the face, types of acne treatment, and lastly types of pimples on face.
What causes acne?
Dead cells constantly accumulate in the skin and settle in the hair follicles where the hair grows through the small pores of the skin. These cells often move up towards the open area and eventually fall out of the skin.
Types of acne pictures, what causes pimples on the face, Whitehead acne, papules acne, cystic acne, type of acne treatment, types of pimples on face.
Sebaceous glands attached to hair follicles produce an oil called sebum, which prevents the skin from drying out. When more sebum is produced, dead cells can stick together and form a mixture that can penetrate hair follicles.
When these bacteria get into clogged pores and become infected, they cause inflammation and acne. Bacteria can damage hair follicles, allowing bacteria, fatty acids and lipids to enter the skin. This can lead to more severe acne, acne breakouts, and larger acne breakouts such as acne and nodular acne.
So, this is how acne causes, now let’s directly dive in and glance at type of pimples on face.
Types of Pimples on Face
Please check out types of pimples on face and how to avoid them.