Levels Of Bleached Hair And How To Go From Dark To Light [100% Ultimate Guide]

Changing your hair color can be a fun and exciting way to transform your look. Going from dark to light hair often involves a bleaching process, which lightens the hair by removing its natural pigments.

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However, achieving the desired lightness requires careful consideration of your hair’s current level and the right techniques to minimize damage.

So without any further delay we will explore the various levels of bleached hair and provide a detailed guide on how to safely transition from dark to light.

Understanding Hair Levels

Hair levels refer to the darkness or lightness of your hair, commonly categorized on a scale of 1 to 10.

Level 1 represents the darkest black hair, while level 10 represents the lightest platinum blonde. It’s essential to understand your starting level to determine the steps required to achieve your desired lightness.

Bleaching Techniques:

  1. Single Process Bleaching: This technique involves applying a high-lift hair color or powder bleach directly to the hair. It is suitable for those starting at level 1 to level 4 hair, as it can lift several levels of color in a single application.
  2. Multiple Sessions: For hair that is level 4 to level 7, achieving a light color may require multiple bleaching sessions. By spacing out the bleaching process, you minimize damage and allow your hair to recover between sessions.
  3. Gradual Lightening: If you have level 8 to level 10 hair or have previously bleached hair, you can opt for a gradual lightening technique. This involves using a lower-volume developer with a lightener or a toner to slowly lighten your hair over time, minimizing damage.


Before starting the bleaching process, it’s crucial to prepare your hair to minimize damage and achieve optimal results. Follow these steps:

  1. Deep Conditioning: Prioritize deep conditioning treatments for a few weeks leading up to the bleaching process. This helps strengthen and moisturize your hair, making it more resilient.
  2. Trim Split Ends: Get a trim to remove any split ends or damaged hair. This step prevents further damage and promotes healthier hair growth.
  3. Conduct a Strand Test: Perform a strand test using a small section of hair to assess how it reacts to the bleaching process and determine the appropriate timing.

The Bleaching Process:

  1. Section and Protect: Divide your hair into manageable sections using clips or hair ties. Apply a protective barrier, such as petroleum jelly or coconut oil, to your hairline, ears, and any other areas where bleach may come into contact with your skin.
  2. Mix and Apply Bleach: Follow the instructions provided with your chosen bleach product to mix it properly. Apply the bleach to your hair, starting from the ends and working your way up to the roots, ensuring even coverage.
  3. Monitor Processing Time: Keep a close eye on your hair as it lightens. Check it every few minutes to determine the progress. Avoid leaving the bleach on for too long, as it can cause excessive damage.
  4. Rinse and Tone: Once your hair reaches the desired lightness, rinse it thoroughly with cool water to remove the bleach. Apply a toner if needed to achieve your desired shade. Follow the instructions on the toner product for best results.


After bleaching your hair, it’s crucial to provide proper care and maintenance to keep it healthy and vibrant:

  1. Deep Conditioning: Use a deep conditioner regularly to restore moisture and nourishment to your hair. Look for products specifically designed for bleached or damaged hair.
  2. Minimize Heat Styling: Limit the use of heat styling tools, such as blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons, as they can further damage your bleached hair. If you must use heat, apply a heat protectant spray beforehand.
  3. Avoid Over-Washing: Washing your hair too frequently can strip away natural oils and cause dryness. Opt for gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners and wash your hair every other day or as needed.
  4. Protect from the Sun: UV rays can damage bleached hair and cause color fading. Wear a hat or use hair products with UV protection when spending time outdoors.

Things to avoid while bleaching the hairs

When bleaching your hair, it’s important to be cautious and avoid certain practices that can lead to damage or undesirable results.

Here are several key points to keep in mind:

  1. Overlapping Bleach: Avoid applying bleach to already bleached or lightened sections of hair. Overlapping bleach can lead to excessive damage, breakage, and uneven color results.
  2. Applying on Unhealthy Hair: Do not bleach your hair if it’s already damaged, dry, or overly processed. Bleaching further weakens the hair structure, so it’s crucial to have a healthy foundation to minimize potential damage.
  3. Incorrect Developer Volume: Ensure you’re using the correct volume of developer based on your hair’s current level and desired level of lift. Using a higher volume developer than necessary can lead to unnecessary damage.
  4. Leaving Bleach on for Too Long: Follow the recommended processing time provided by the bleach manufacturer. Leaving bleach on beyond the suggested time can cause excessive damage, breakage, and uneven color results.
  5. Neglecting Strand Testing: Always perform a strand test before applying bleach to your entire head. This test helps you assess how your hair will react to the bleach, determine the appropriate timing, and avoid unexpected results.
  6. Skipping Protective Measures: Protect your skin, scalp, and previously bleached or lightened hair from bleach contact. Apply a protective barrier, such as petroleum jelly or coconut oil, along your hairline, ears, and other areas susceptible to bleach contact.
  7. Using Poor-Quality Bleach: Invest in a high-quality bleach product from a reputable brand. Poor-quality bleaches may contain harsh ingredients that can cause more damage to your hair.
  8. Ignoring Aftercare: After bleaching, it’s crucial to provide proper aftercare to maintain the health and integrity of your hair. Avoid skipping deep conditioning treatments, using excessive heat styling, or washing your hair too frequently.
  9. Skipping Toner Application: Depending on the desired color, toner may be necessary to achieve the desired shade and neutralize any unwanted brassiness or yellow tones. Don’t skip this step if your hair requires toning.
  10. Attempting Drastic Color Changes at Home: If you’re considering a significant color transformation, especially if it involves going from dark to light, it’s best to seek the assistance of a professional hair colorist. They have the expertise to assess your hair’s condition, determine the appropriate bleaching process, and minimize damage.

Remember, bleaching is a chemical process that alters the hair’s structure, and improper handling can lead to damage.

Prioritize hair health, take the necessary precautions, and consult a professional if you have any doubts or concerns about bleaching your hair.

Conclusion on Levels Of Bleached Hair

Transitioning from dark to light hair through bleaching requires careful consideration and proper technique to minimize damage and achieve the desired results.

Understanding your hair’s level, choosing the right bleaching method, and providing appropriate aftercare are crucial steps in this process.

By following these guidelines and seeking professional advice if needed, you can safely transform your hair and embrace a new, lighter look.

Remember to prioritize hair health and nourishment throughout the process for optimal results.

So all in all, these are all the things that you must be knowing in keeping in mind while bleaching the hairs. To know it’s level and avoid any risks while bleaching.

Don’t forget to share it with your friends and family members too who don’t have much knowledge in this field and searching for the same.

Thank You 🙂